Guara Natural Park

This territory includes the Sierra Natural Park and the Guara Canyons and surroundings.

La Hoya de Huesca includes most of the Sierra Natural Park and the Guara Canyons with their dramatic contrasts from the heights of Tozal de Guara (2,077 metres) to the deepest ravines in the mountain range. There is the Grallera Alta (nearly 280 metres deep) passing through gullies and gorges (“gorgas” in Aragonese) such as the famous Formiga and La Pillera gorges, Las Palomeras del Flumen and San Martín de la Val d’Onsera, not to forget the stunning beauty of the Ligüerri Synclines near the Vadiello dam, or the Salto de Roldán.

The Guara Park is spectacular because its countryside is so original, with strikingly beautiful canyons, gullies and gorges. Tourists from all over Europe visit it to explore its ravines; they are attracted by its intricate network of canyons and gullies forged by the fast-flowing waters of the Flumen, Calcón, Formiga and Guatizalema rivers. Gorge-climbing originated in the deepest parts of these mountains and, as long as you are properly equipped, you can explore the area sliding down the rapids or diving underwater into natural caves. The conglomerate walls that form the synclines, both in Vadiello and in the Salto de Roldán, are well-known all over Spain to amateur climbers.

Without a doubt, the greatest fauna wealth in Guara lies in particular in its birds of prey, which nest in the steep rocky walls of the territory. This Park is one of the few redoubts in Europe where you can sight the bearded vulture, threatened with extinction. If you follow this bird of prey you may also sight the Egyptian vulture (in Aragon this bird is called the boleta), eagles and a considerable colony of Griffon vultures. Don’t forget during your visit that this area has different elements for its protection, such as the ZEPA (Spanish initials for the special bird protection zone) or the Natural Park warnings.Of most interest are the resources and natural attractions in the Park, its gorges and the Formiga and Flumen canyons, the tranquillity in its northern sector in the Belsué and Nocito valleys, climbing in the Vadiello synclines and the observation of birds of prey. Equally important is the artistic heritage, with the Monastery of Nuestra Señora de la Gloria at Casbas, the so-called Lineal Gothic Route referring to the murals in the temples at Ibieca, Barluenga, Liesa or Arbaniés, and a long list that we have prepared for you to visit.

  • 1 Parque Natural Guara Valle De Belsue
  • 2 Parque Natural Guara Valle De Nocito
  • 3 Parque Natural Guara Valle De Belsue
  • 4 Parque Natural Guara Barranco De La Pillera
  • 5 Parque Natural Guara Barranco De La Pillera
  • San Urbez

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