There are many areas for climbing around the Vadiello Dam in the Ligüerri Synclines. To the left of the dam, from the Vadiello road, there is the “Training Wall” (or Mallo de los Pepes), “Paternoy”, “El Puro”, “Mallo San Jorge”, “La Mitra”, “The Potato”, “Elephant Wall”, “Arrow Ridge”, “Borón Crest” and “Mummery Needle”. There are also other easier, shorter climbs. To the right of the Dam you can see the “San Cosme Egg”, the Quillán and Punta Negra Synclines and “La Predicadera” (the woman preacher).
You will also find iron paths in the Park, amongst which are the Palomo Canal and the San Jorge Syncline, also in Vadiello.
Don’t forget to read the rules on climbing in the Park and in Aragon. We would encourage you to take advice from professionals for this activity.
Information: Av. de la Paz, 5. Huesca.
Contact phone: 974 293 392
Reservations: 974 230 196.