La Pillera Gorge

A unique spot, formed by the Guatizalema river, of great environmental interest, where the waters of La Pillera and Fuentespátula flow into those of the Abellada Gorge. The river bed is rocky with a lot of potholes and strange limestone formations.

The vegetation in these surroundings - larches, boxwood, yew trees, hazelnut trees, wild pines and oaks – forms an ideal habitat for a multitude of birds amongst which you will find the hoopoe, the green woodpecker, the common blackbird, the robin, the nightingale and the wryneck.

People swim here in the summer. It is also one of the best routes for climbing the Tozal de Guara, crossing the riverbed several times.

The access to the gorge is from Nocito, on foot, leaving your car and taking the track which leaves on the right before crossing the bridge over the Guatizalema river. At about 2 km turn off to the left, following the signs for Tozal de Guara and cross the river ford. The track enters the gorge of La Pillera after a few metres. This part of it ends in the Estañonero pool with its cold crystalline waters; this is where the water from the Abellada gorge on the left and La Pillera on the right, flow into each other, fed by the water coming from Fuentespátula and Fuendeguaril.