Amazing experiences within everyone’s reach

The geography of La Hoya de Huesca lends itself to many sporting activities where you can keep your feet on the ground. Climbing is the most popular sport in our region, which is very well-known for the places where you can climb - the synclines, or ridged cliffs.

You will find the best paths in the Riglos, Agüero and Vadiello Synclines (in the Guara Natural Park) and we have also prepared several iron paths (the via ferrata), such as the Ruaba Crag, Riglos, the Palomo Canal and the San Jorge Syncline.

We recommend that you ask for information on the path you wish to climb in La Hoya de Huesca and that you accept advice from professional climbers.Follow all the safety rules so that you can enjoy your stay and have fun practising this sport. Don’t forget that it is very important to wear a helmet and also to respect the countryside you go through keeping to the rules. Consult the Aragonese Mountaineering Federation.

Data of Interest


Albareda, 7, 4º-4ª, 50004 Zaragoza

Tel: 976 22 79 71 // Fax: 976 21 24 59

E-mail: [email protected]



  • Escalada 1
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  • Escalada 9


Climbing in Mallos of Riglos

The Riglos Synclines are widely known by all amateur climbers. There is no doubt that this place is ideal for climbing because of its vertical conglomerate walls over 300 metres high, whose main feature are the “boulders” or the rolling stones.

The different sections for climbing in Riglos are: the Firé, the Summer Circus, the Pisón, the Puro, the Macizo de Pisón, the Volaos, the Knife, the Melchor Frechín, the Cap, the small synclines and the Riglos Boulders.

There are some 200 paths between 200 and 300 metres, except the bordering paths and the small synclines which are barely over 100 m. The access to the climbing area in any of these sections is the village of Riglos.

Take advice from professionals to enjoy this activity and contact active tourism companies in the region.


Climbing in the Guara Park

There are many areas for climbing around the Vadiello Dam in the Ligüerri Synclines. To the left of the dam, from the Vadiello road, there is the “Training Wall” (or Mallo de los Pepes), “Paternoy”, “El Puro”, “Mallo San Jorge”, “La Mitra”, “The Potato”, “Elephant Wall”, “Arrow Ridge”, “Borón Crest” and “Mummery Needle”. There are also other easier, shorter climbs. To the right of the Dam you can see the “San Cosme Egg”, the Quillán and Punta Negra Synclines and “La Predicadera” (the woman preacher).You will also find iron paths in the Park, amongst which are the Palomo Canal and the San Jorge Syncline, also in Vadiello.

Don’t forget to read the rules on climbing in the Park and in Aragon. We would encourage you to take advice from professionals for this activity.

Contact the Park for further information :

Information: Av. de la Paz, 5. Huesca.
Contact phone: 974 293392
Reservations: 974 230196


A region, four spaces of contrast

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