Branch of the Catalan Way

This branch of the Catalan Way enters the Hoya de Huesca at Pertusa, continues through Antillón, then via Pueyo de Fañanás, Fañanás, Ola, Tierz, the sanctuary of Santa María de Salas – as you enter Huesca, the city of Huesca itself, Bolea, Aniés, Loarre – beneath its famous castle, Sarsamarcuello – and the ruins of its fortress, the Mallos de Riglos and the Foz de Escalete, before connecting with Santa María railway station, after passing through La Peña.

Following Santa María, Triste and Ena, the Camino de Santiago leaves Hoya de Huesca in the direction of Botaya. In total, it is 40km long, and takes in the Roman road linking Ilerda (Lérida) and Osca (Huesca)


Stages of the Camino de Santiago in Hoya de Huesca:

     1. Pertusa-Fañanás
     2. Fañanás-Huesca
     3. Huesca-Bolea
     4. Bolea-Loarre
     5. Loarre-La Peña Estación
     6. La Peña Estación-Botaya


Hostels and other Accommodation for Pilgrims:

     Albergue de Pertusa. Tel. 974 301 443; 974 301 475 (Bar), 974 301 468 (Consuelo) 

     Albergue de Pueyo de Fañanás. Tel. 629 408 818

     Hospital de peregrinos San Galindo, en Huesca. Tel. 639 175 067, 670 053 217

     Albergue de Bolea. Tel. 974 272 505 (llave en Casa Rufino)

     Albergue de Sarsamarcuello. Tel. 974 608 536 220

     Albergue de Ena. Tel. 636 496 343 (Ramón)

  • Albergue De Peregrinos Huesca
  • Albergue De Peregrinos Pertusa

Links of interest:

Huesca Association of Friends of Camino de Santiago:ón-de-amigos-del-camino-de-santiago-de-huesca

Camino de Santiago, the Catalan stretch from Montserrat to San Juan de la Peña:


A region, four spaces of contrast

Routes and trails

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