Physical prowess and contact with nature

Gorge descent is a sport that perfectly combines physical aptitude, contact with nature and limit experiences. It consists of a descent down a water course, overcoming the many natural obstacles you will find on your way (waterfalls, rocks, narrow gullies, climbing walls...). This amusing, exciting activity is to be found in the prettiest, most spectacular parts of the rivers and gorges in the Guara area and the Kingdom of the Synclines in La Hoya de Huesca.

There are companies and professionals in our region who can help you to enjoy this sport. Please be advised by them as they are professionals and they respect the ruling and safety measures for gorge descent.

Data of Interest


Albareda, 7, 4º-4ª, 50004 Zaragoza

Tel: 976 22 79 71 // Fax: 976 21 24 59

E-mail: [email protected]


Routes and trails


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