7. What desks can teach us about school

At each moment in history, school has always reflected the values of society. It is part of our lives, of the lives of contemporary children and of the lives of children who studied in the past. In this sense, the Museo Pedagógico de Aragón (Aragon Museum of Education), in Huesca, is a must for anyone wanting to learn about the history of school and education in Aragon. Furthermore, the “La escuela de ayer” Interpretation Centre can be found in the locality of Linás de Marcuello, in Loarre. This old school, and teacher’s house, showcases a collection that transports visitors to rural schools from the late 19th century and early 20th century. The schools where our parents and grandparents studied reflect the conditions in which they learnt and the material they used: satchels, abacus, posters, desks, school encyclopaedia, prayer books, maps, ink wells, quills and pencil cases, sewing instruments… A host of mementos that we can compare with contemporary times.




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