6. Birds of prey and their world

At the foot of the stunning mallets in Riglos stands the Arcaz bird interpretation centre. Furthermore, the hills of the Guara Mountain Range in Santa Cilia de Panzano, accommodate the Casa de los Buitres (Vulture House). Both venues fall within the “Vultouris” system, an international bird-watching network which includes the two centres in La Hoya, three centres in Navarra (Lumbier, Ochagavía and Roncal) and one in France, Aste-Béon (Valle d’Ossau). The main purpose of these centres is to protect and disseminate information on the scavenger birds that inhabit the Pyrenees. These centres accommodate exhibitions on the lammergeier, the Egyptian vulture and the griffon vulture, with stunning populations in Riglos and Santa Cilia. Binoculars in hand, visitors will be sure to catch sight of the birds. It is also possible to see vulture nests thanks to video cameras set up in the mallets, or feeding times in the Santa Cilia dump. Close ups and exceptional sequences provide information on the biology of these majestic birds.

Museos de la Naturaleza.




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